As some of you might remember this isn’t my first blog. The first one was called “Omenafarmi” [Apple Farm] and as the name suggests it was all about Apple: Macs, iPods, OS X and so forth. But surprisingly not so much about the iPhone. Omenafarmi was written entirely in finnish to fulfill the need for a finnish Apple site. This seemed to be working quite well. Over the years Omenafarmi had established its place among the finnish Apple enthusiasts and was reaching couple thousand unique visitor per month. However the site was shut down in 2007. There were quite a few reasons that led to this decision. Most notably my lack of time. Writing for the site had become more of a must rather than something fun. But also the way I perceived Apple was changing. It wasn’t any more this exciting small underdog with groundbreaking ideas and positive vibe that it once was. Apple had become arrogant. Something that Google has been able to avoid.
Partly due to these reasons I have decided to keep the structure of this site different, compared to the old site. I will utilize Twitter for shorter news and updates and only publish my own articles, deeper analysis and such on this site. I hope you’ll like what I have to offer! 😉 Why not join the discussion on  Twitter! I’m looking forward to it!
Ps. “Farmarit” [Farmers]Â podcast was once one of the most listened podcasts in the Finnish iTunes Store, which was a really positive surprise! Farmarit was all about popular culture seasoned with some groovy indie music. Most importantly it was really fun to do! Yet, Farmarit will not make a come back, at least not as it was, but a podcast of different sort is always a possibility.