Category: Tech

  • I think all companies should be run like a technology company. Might sound radical but so are the times we are living in. If “traditional” companies would dare to take even a tiny minuscule fraction of the DNA of a technology company the world would be a better place. We would have better products and…

  • What next for Microsoft?

    The world is changing and so is Microsoft. Many might say “finally” and they’d be right on the money. It seems that ever since Apple’s “pirate ship” took off, Microsoft has been drifting without any sight of land in the horizon. Microsoft has had many mishaps in the past, but never this many in a…

  • This is a difficult one. Where should I begin? So, Microsoft is buying Nokia’s phone business. What do I think? Can’t really say that this one comes as a shocker. Naturally I hoped that it would not come to this but considering the recent developments, or rather the lack of them, it’s not surprising. When…

  • Facebook has finally come out of the closet. Surprisingly however they didn’t introduce a full-fledged Facebook Phone. Instead they chose the Amazon way and build their own experience on top of Android. Can’t say this was exactly something that I was expecting, but it’s certainly something that does make sense. Building an entire operating system…

  • Another year, another prediction. Before I move to discussing the things that I believe will take place in the smartphone space this coming year, I think it is more than appropriate to take a look back and see what was said about 2012 and how accurate, if at all, those predictions turned out to be.…

  • It has become pretty self-evident that I am not alone with my enthusiasm for discussing the future of computing. My previous post on Windows 8 and how it might affect the tablet market stirred up a mix of feelings among many of you, which translated into a great discussion. I feel that it is now…

  • At the moment the situation in the smartphone world is as follows. Google’s Android is the unquestioned number one ecosystem. It has experienced rapid growth during the last couple of years and is supported by most of the major manufacturers. However, it seems that only Samsung has managed to turn the Android frenzy into gold.…

  • The general consensus seems to be that we are slowly, but surely, moving towards a truly mobile world. In this new world even laptops are considered old fashioned and not portable enough. We use our smartphones and tablet computers (and HUD glasses if Google is asked) for our computing needs. Laptops are only used very…

  • If the current trends are any indication of what’s coming next, loosing our freedom might become inevitable. The “in” thing that everyone seems to be talking about at the moment is ecosystems. We are now at the crossroads where mobile and more traditional desktop computing is starting to merge into one unified experience. Together with…